Establishing your plot on the new Frontier: 'The Internet'
While we all use the internet to some degree, many only experience the outer ring of possibilities that can be obtained through 'internet mastery' (remind me to copyright that one). There are literally countless ways to immerse yourself for infinite lifetimes on the web with only a basic understanding of the ever complex universe of internet space (Wish Einstein could see this!). Enough mindless chit chat, let's begin feasting on knowledge:
1. Blogger.com (Optional Skip)- Starting off easy, Blogger.com is a wonderfully splendid way to express yourself painlessly with pre-made templates and computer retarded friendly procedures. A great place for beginning web travelers...and possible highly advanced internet gurus (you never know).
2. Google sites- A step ahead of blogger.com in terms of possibility, google provides a similar system of easy-to-use sites while placing the awing possibility of a personal website for free. The catch is you have to pledge that you will never use any other search engine that google, believe me, it's in the 'terms & conditions'. Using google sites places you a step closer to getting ranked on search engines, such as 'google' being how you're building a site through them. It works kind of like that time when you only ate at that vegan restaurant because you wanted to get noticed by the hot waiter/waitress.
3. Squidoo!- I had to add an exclamation mark after Squidoo because you can't help but exclaiming it! Whatever that means! Squidoo is likewise a free, sensing a pattern here, site where you can create "lenses" on just about anything from what kind of dog food you like (by 'you' I hopefully mean your dog) to where you can get your dog cremated in the Manhattan area. A "lense" in Squidoo's case is a website covering a topic of your choosing. Once created, your site can be found through searches on the Squidoo website or on the king Google's own search results is you are deemed worthy.
4. Myspace/Facebook- Here we go again, I'm sure everybody and there ferrets heard of these two bad boys. But they seem hard to ignore being there enormous followings/communities they have to show for. So if you're a teenage brat or a lonely housewife, here's a good way to meet the man of your dreams, at least until he wants to meet you for real. (See 'False Identities')
5. Digg- Described by the ever beautiful Wikipedia (See numero 6) as a social news website. Digg is the gossip queen of the internet. Dissecting every insignificant and trivial detail to the fullest, Digg is the place where you can tell all your buds what you are looking at and what you are thinking. Dude, can you digg it?
6. Wikipedia- A blessing for computer's everywhere, Wikipedia is an internet icon, a founding father on online information if you will. The encyclopedia that can inform you on anything (and in any language) comes to us from the public. Yes, that scares many people away, but for the casual creature wikipedia is a brilliant way to learn the quick facts fast.
7. GoDaddy.com- I'm specifically mentioning GoDaddy.com not because it's the only place to buy web domains and get web hosting services, but because it is possibly the most widely known to the average joe world. Plus they have "entertaining" commercials in every super bowl broadcast. Anyway, sites like GoDaddy allow anybody with a credit card to easily buy that plot of intangible space to build anything you want. From your very own movie review website to a website about your favorite hobby, you can create it with your very own .com with the help of these web hosting services for as little as a couple dollars a month and a little(lotta) time.
8. Youtube- Not to be forgotten, the infamous youtube provides the ways for any kid with a camcorder to blast there way into fame. Post your own original short comic skit or your favorite band in concert and sit there as the views pile up. Do you have what it takes to be the next Tila Tequilla? Let's hope not.
That seems to cover the most mainstream of internet sites. To many this is probably a review, but oh well. You made it to the end, so now turn on that pile of mush and go do something creative for the world to see. LJ
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