Michael Jackson, The King of Pop, creator of the stunning moon walk, and the first black man to ever die white was found collapsed in his home in Los Angeles from Cardiac Arrest on Thursday, June 25th, 2009. The entire musical world, which has worshipped him like a God for his revolutionary pop music and remarkable performance ability, are in a state of shock. Michael Jackson lived his life as an entertainer dedicated to the people, and entertained he did. Despite the recent ups and downs (mostly downs) of his career in the last few years and his highly controversial procedure to transform himself from the cute kid from the Jackson 5 into the-disturbing-white-man-with-the-nose, nobody can deny the awesome talent and his contributions to the musical world.
Winner of 13 Grammys, seller of more than 750 million albums, and holder of many, many millions of dollars ($350 at last check from Forbes), people all across the globe today stopped in stunned silence at the news. His early death is a shock to many, but the pop star lifestyle is a very harsh way of life, especially with the magnitude of negative publicity he has received. Outside the UCLA medical center where the 'king' died, fans and passer-bys stopped to insure the news was true, several crying and many more chatting on cell phones. Others are gathering at city centers such as Times Square to remorse for their lost star, often playing such songs as "Thriller" in his memory.
No matter how much you loved or hated Mr. Jackson, I believe we all owe him a moment. For a passing of such a magnitude cannot be remembered since that of John Lennon and Elvis Presley. I, for one, am sorry for all the mistreatment that Mr. Jackson has received. Including accusations of being a Pedophile, propositions of insanity, and many other insults portrayed everywhere from schoolyard chats to blockbuster films.
Goodbye, Michael Jackson, I can insure that you will be remembered as long as Pop continues to propel this nation, and much longer afterwards.
P.S.- Oh yeah, in other news Actress...Farrah Fawcett also died today (who's that?) and another Middle East country wants to nuke the U.S. LoneJester